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分子筛材料的研究现状和趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从沸石的成分特征出发,系统地介绍了该研究目前在材料成分,结构分析,合成方法,现代测试技术的应用以及研究发展方向等方面的内容。  相似文献   
筛析法是硬件要求低、操作简便、应用广泛的一种碎屑沉积物粒度分析方法。对于砂砾质沉积物而言,在具体的粒度分析实验中,应该取用多少质量的样品进行筛析,目前尚缺乏完备的、科学内涵明确的技术规范。《海洋调查规范第8部分:海洋地质地球物理调查》对此问题给出了部分解决方案,但其原理不明,也未能包括砂砾质沉积物的主要粒径范围。本研究针对筛析法取样质量的估算问题展开分析与讨论,基于概率分布理论推导出一套适用于砂砾质样品的筛析法取样质量估算公式,给出了不同分选系数下(0.35Φ~4.00Φ)样品最大颗粒直径对应的理论取样最小量的范围。研究表明,现行海洋调查规范的最大颗粒直径与取样最小量之间的定量关系可能是基于正态分布、分选极差的下界(σ=4.00Φ)的情况推算而来的;可将筛析法取样质量估算表的最大颗粒直径扩展至64 mm,该粒径对应的理论取样最小量为47.8 kg。为了检验推导的公式,以浙江省舟山群岛和象山半岛的潮间带近200个砂砾质样品为例,计算了样品最大颗粒直径对应的筛析法理论取样最小量及其理想状态下的正态粒度分布,并与实际样品的取样量及粒度分布分析结果进行了对比。结果显示,大部分样品的粒度分析结果...  相似文献   
利用5A分子筛吸附,环己烷-正戊烷混合溶剂洗脱分离富集正构烷烃,用气相色谱法测定正构烷烃含量,气相色谱-气体同位素质谱(GC-C-IRMS)测定土壤样品中正构烷烃单体碳同位素。实验优化了5A分子筛用量和洗脱剂的比例,需要络合的正构烷烃的量与分子筛加入量呈线性关系,络合x mg的正构烷烃,需加入2.75x g分子筛,络合环己烷-正戊烷最佳比例为9∶91。探讨了络合过程中5A分子筛对不同链长正构烷烃的络合规律,短链正构烷烃被5A分子筛优先吸附,长链正构烷烃的络合相对滞后。正构烷烃的络合洗脱回收率为44%~72%,精密度(RSD,n=6)为4%~8%;正构烷烃单体碳同位素分析精度为0.04‰~0.38‰(1σ)。采用5A分子筛净化混合溶剂洗脱方法,分析加油站附近的实际土壤样品,未分峰基本消除,获得良好的净化效果,满足正构烷烃单体碳同位素分析的要求。  相似文献   
原位观测技术在生物海洋学过程研究中的应用,从海洋生物多样性、海洋生物的生理生态响应和宏观的生态过程及其变动机制等方向的研究中得到迅速的发展,极大提高了对海洋生物学、生态学以及不同时空尺度生物地球化学过程的认识.包括原位光学检测技术、水下显微摄像与自动化鉴定技术、水下流式细胞技术、分子生物传感器等新型原位观测技术,拓宽了各类型观测平台的研究对象范围.重点阐述生物海洋学原位观测技术的发展现状、应用实例及其在立体海洋观测系统中的应用前景.  相似文献   
以广东省珠海市外伶仃岛地区常见的4属5种石珊瑚为研究对象,对线粒体COI、16S rRNA和ITS三种基因片段数据进行分析,并计算了种间遗传距离。序列分析结果表明5种石珊瑚的COI、16S rRNA基因片段碱基AT含量大于GC含量,而ITS序列碱基AT含量小于GC含量;5种石珊瑚种间的三种基因平均遗传距离分别为0.043、0.134和0.763,所得遗传距离结果存在一定差异。将三种基因串联起来并利用邻位连接法(NJ)、最大似然法(ML)和最小进化法(ME)分别构建了分子系统树。在系统发育树中,科一级的系统进化关系与形态学分类一致,但蜂巢珊瑚科内的分子系统分类结果与形态学分类阐述的遗传进化关系略有差别,说明石珊瑚传统分类可能受骨骼可塑性的影响。研究结果为外伶仃岛石珊瑚的亲缘关系研究提供相关基础数据,并为该地区石珊瑚资源保护奠定理论基础。  相似文献   
张珂 《地质力学学报》2019,25(5):889-898
李四光的学术体系博大精深,科学思路独树一帜,研究方法系统全面,十分值得传承和创新。其亮点之一就是构造筛分。构造筛分指的是把各不同时期形成的构造从复合构造中按先后顺序分离出来。该思路在复杂构造区研究显得更为重要。构造筛分的思想在地貌学研究中也有重要的指导意义。地貌学是一门四维科学,它不仅要从三维空间的角度去研究地貌的点、线、面、体等四要素,而且还要从时间的角度,研究地貌的过去、现在和未来。论文以地貌学时间维作主线,以华南沿海地区宏观地貌(水系、夷平面、晚中生代花岗岩穹窿山、晚白垩世-古近纪红层盆地、晚第四纪盆地等)为例,通过对新老嵌合的复合地貌以及地貌形成的内、外动力作用的筛分,恢复不同阶段地形原貌并发展历史,探讨地貌发展规律、机理和大地构造背景。研究表明,尽管华南沿海地貌类型繁多,新老嵌合,成因复杂,但却显示了一幅和谐统一的图像,显示了筛分思路在地貌学研究的指导意义。文章最后讨论地貌学时间维研究以及科学理论的传承与创新等哲学问题,指出,纪念李四光,更重要的是传承他思想方法和科学方法的精髓,而不拘泥于个别问题,从而促进在中国学者原始创新的道路上大步向前迈进。   相似文献   
Organic metal-binding ligands represent an essential role in the bioavailability of trace elements since they govern the species and sizes of those elements in seawater. The distribution and properties of organic ligands in seawater as well as the factors influencing their complexation abilities were summarized in this paper. Most organic ligands exist in the low molecular weight fraction, and their concentration nearshore is often higher than that of open ocean while the vertical distribution varies in different areas. The complexation of trace elements and organic ligands is influenced by several factors such as molecular weight of organic ligands, salinity, pH, biological activities and redox conditions. Ligand with a lower molecular weight usually represents stronger complexation ability, whereas the opposite seems to be true sometimes due to the specific affinity between some elements and ligands. Increasing salinity lowers the electrostatic repulsion among adjacent functional groups of ligands and thus decreases their complexing rate, yet increasing pH promotes the ionization of organic ligands and results in the formation of more complexes. The utilization of phytoplankton and degradation of microorganism release more low molecular weight organic ligands while more high molecular weight ligands are released from marine organisms under heavy metal stress. Therefore, sufficient significance should be attached to characterizing the structure and molecular weight of organic ligands and exploring the interaction between trace elements and organic ligands and the influence of related marine factors on their behaviors, which will certainly help us to understand the global biogeochemical cycles and ecological significance of trace elements.  相似文献   
在痕量元素的海洋生物地球化学循环过程中,有机配体直接控制痕量元素在不同形态及粒径范围内的分配,进而影响痕量元素的迁移转化过程和生物可利用性。深入研究海水中痕量元素-有机配体的配分特征及影响因素,明确有机配体分子量组分及其对痕量元素的配合作用差异,对于了解痕量元素的生物地球化学行为,评估痕量元素的生物可利用性和毒性效应均具有十分重要的意义。对海水中痕量元素-有机配体的分布规律、配分特征及盐度、pH、氧化还原条件和生物活动对配体的影响进行了系统总结。海水中的有机配体一般以低分子量部分为主体,配合能力因元素性质差异存在随分子量增加而提高或降低的不同趋势。除此之外,有机配体的结构、配合能力及分子量分布随水体各物理化学参数的变化而改变。盐度的增加会降低有机配体相邻官能团的静电排斥力从而降低配体的配合能力,还会导致高分子量金属有机配合物发生絮凝和降解而去除。pH的增加不仅可以促使有机配体离子化,还能促进部分痕量元素水解为与有机配体亲和力更高的形式,提高有机配体配合率。氧化还原环境同时影响了痕量元素的价态和有机配体的浓度,间接影响痕量元素-有机配体的配合率。浮游植物利用及微生物分解可以增加低分子量有机配体的比例,从而提高其配合能力,但当生物遭受过量金属离子的毒性胁迫时,其细胞内会释放胞内配体,将致毒元素转化为配合物并排出体外,从而增加水体中痕量元素高分子量有机配体的浓度。未来应结合有机物结构分析技术及痕量元素分离检测技术,系统研究海洋环境中不同分子量有机配体的结构及与痕量元素配合强度的相互关系,进一步揭示痕量元素的迁移转化过程与生态学意义。  相似文献   
Magnetic fields likely play a key role in the dynamics and evolution of protoplanetary disks. They have the potential to efficiently transport angular momentum by MHD turbulence or via the magnetocentrifugal acceleration of outflows from the disk surface. Magnetically-driven mixing has implications for disk chemistry and evolution of the grain population, and the effective viscous response of the disk determines whether planets migrate inwards or outwards. However, the weak ionisation of protoplanetary disks means that magnetic fields may not be able to effectively couple to the matter. I examine the magnetic diffusivity in a minimum solar nebula model and present calculations of the ionisation equilibrium and magnetic diffusivity as a function of height from the disk midplane at radii of 1 and 5 AU. Dust grains tend to suppress magnetic coupling by soaking up electrons and ions from the gas phase and reducing the conductivity of the gas by many orders of magnitude. However, once grains have grown to a few microns in size their effect starts to wane and magnetic fields can begin to couple to the gas even at the disk midplane. Because ions are generally decoupled from the magnetic field by neutral collisions while electrons are not, the Hall effect tends to dominate the diffusion of the magnetic field when it is able to partially couple to the gas, except at the disk surfaces where the low density of neutrals permits the ions to remain attached to the field lines. For a standard population of 0.1 μm grains the active surface layers have a combined column Σactive≈2 g cm−2 at 1 AU; by the time grains have aggregated to 3 μm, Σactive≈80 g cm−2. Ionisation in the active layers is dominated by stellar X-rays. In the absence of grains, X-rays maintain magnetic coupling to 10% of the disk material at 1 AU (i.e. Σactive≈150 g cm−2). At 5 AU the Σactive≈Σtotal once grains have aggregated to 1 μm in size.  相似文献   
Grain‐size distribution is a fundamental tool for interpreting sedimentary units within depositional systems. The techniques assessed in this study are commonly used to determine grain‐size distributions for sand‐dominated sediments. However, the degree of consistency and differences in interpretation when using a combination of grain‐size methods have not yet been assessed systematically for sand‐dominated fluvial sediments. Results obtained from laser diffraction, X‐ray attenuation and scanning electron microscopy grain‐size analysis techniques were compared with those obtained from the traditional sieve/hydrometer method. Scanning electron microscopy was shown to provide an inaccurate quantitative analysis of grain‐size distributions because of difficulties in obtaining representative samples for examination. The X‐ray attenuation method is unsuitable for sand‐dominated sediments because of its upper size range of only 300 μm. The consistently strong correlation between the laser diffraction results and the sieve/hydrometer results shows that these methods are comparable for sand‐dominated fluvial sediments. Provided that sample preparation is consistent, the latter two methods can be used together within a study of such sediments while maintaining a high degree of accuracy. These results indicate that data for sand‐dominated fluvial sediments gained from the long‐established sieve/hydrometer method can be compared with confidence to those obtained by modern studies using laser diffraction techniques.  相似文献   
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